
cASO configuration

cASO uses a config file (default at /etc/caso/caso.conf) with several sections. A sample file is available at etc/caso/caso.conf.sample.

[DEFAULT] section

The [DEFAULT] section configures the basic behavior of cASO. The sample config file (/etc/caso/caso.conf.sample) includes a description of every option. You should check at least the following options:

  • extractor (default value: nova), specifies which extractor to use for getting the data. The following APIs are supported: ceilomenter and nova. Both should generate equivalent information.
  • site_name (default value: <None>). Name of the site as defined in GOCDB.
  • tenants (list value, default empty). List of the tenants to extract records from.
  • messengers (list, default: caso.messenger.noop.NoopMessenger). List of the messengers to publish data to. APEL messenger is: caso.messenger.ssm.SsmMessager, LogStash is caso.messenger.logstash.LogstashMessenger

[extractor] section

This section specifies the configuration of the extractor (mainly the credentials to connect to the API). Check the following:

  • user (default: accounting), name of the user. This user needs proper permission to query the API for the tenant usages.
  • password (default: None), password of the user.
  • endpoint (default: None), keystone endpoint to authenticate with.
  • mapping_file (default: /etc/caso/voms.json). File containing the mapping from VOs to local tenants as configured in Keystone-VOMS. If you are running cASO on keystone host, it likely is /etc/keystone/voms.json. Otherwise, you have to sync this file.
  • insecure (default: False), wether to check or not the server’s certificate.


Your should not use insecure=True in production! If you get a SSL error ( CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED), this is probably due to the fact that the request module CA bundle does not contain the CA of your server.

If you are using the request module of your distribution package, it is normally patched to use the system’s default CA bundle (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt from the ca-certificates package on Debian systems and /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt from the ``ca-certificates``on RH systems). Check the packages documentation to add a new CA to those bundles.

If you are not installing request through the distribution packages (e.g. via pip), it uses its own vendorized CA bundle, located in the distribution directory (i.e. requests/cacert.pem). It should be enough to append the correct certificates to the end of the cacert.pem file. In a virtualenv, the bundle should be located at $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/

[ssm] section

Options defined here configure the SSM messenger. There is only one option at the moment:

  • output_path (default: /var/spool/apel/outgoing/openstack), directory to put the generated SSM records. APEL/SSM should be configured to take records from that directory.

[logstash] section

Options defined here configure the logstash messenger. Available options:

  • host (default: localhost), host of Logstash server.
  • port (default: 5000), Logstash server port.

OpenStack Configuration

The user configured in the previous section has to be a member of each of the tenants (another option is to convert that user in an administrator, but the former option is a safer approach) for which it is extracting the accounting. Otherwise, cASO will not be able to get the usages and will fail:

keystone role-create --name accounting
keystone user-create --name accounting --pass <password>
# For each of the tenants, add the user with the accounting role
keystone user-role-add --user accounting --role accounting --tenant <tenant>

Also, this user needs access to Keystone so as to extract the users information.

  • If you are using the V2 identity API, you have to give admin rights to the accounting user, editing the /etc/keystone/policy.json file and replacing the line:

    "admin_required": "role:admin or is_admin:1 or",


    "admin_required": "role:admin or is_admin:1 or role:accounting",
  • If you are using the V3 identity API you can grant the user just the rights for listing the users adding the appropriate rules in the /etc/keystone/policy.json.