
command line

cASO provides the caso-extract command to generate new records from your OpenStack deployment. caso-extract -h will show a complete list of available arguments.

Use the --extract-from argument to specify the date from when the records should be extracted. If no value is set, then cASO will extract the records from the last run. If equal to “None”, then extract records from the beggining of time. If not time zone is specified, UTC will be used.


If you are running an OpenStack Nova version lower than Kilo there is a bug in its API, making impossible to paginate over deleted results.

Since nova is limiting the results to 1000 by default, if you are expecting more than 1000 results you will get just the last 1000. This is important if you are publishing data for the first time, or if you are republishing all your accounting). If this is your case, adjust the osapi_max_limit to a larger value in /etc/nova/nova.conf.

Available options

Apart from other options, the following ones are the ones that specify how to extract accountig records:

--config-dir DIR

Path to a config directory to pull *.conf files from. This file set is sorted, so as to provide a predictable parse order if individual options are over-ridden. The set is parsed after the file(s) specified via previous –config-file, arguments hence over-ridden options in the directory take precedence. This option must be set from the command-line.

--config-file PATH

Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files can be specified, with values in later files taking precedence. Defaults to None. This option must be set from the command-line.

--debug, -d
If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG
instead of the default INFO level.
--dry-run, --dry_run

Extract records but do not push records to SSM. This will not update the last run date.

--extract-from EXTRACT_FROM, --extract_from EXTRACT_FROM

Extract records that have changed after this date. This means that if a record has started before this date, and it has changed after this date (i.e. it is still running or it has ended) it will be reported. If it is not set, extract records from last run. If it is set to None and last run file is not present, it will extract records from the beginning of time. If no time zone is specified, UTC will be used.

--extract-to EXTRACT_TO, --extract_to EXTRACT_TO

Extract record changes until this date. If it is not set, we use now. If a server has ended after this date, it will be included, but the consuption reported will end on this date. If no time zone is specified, UTC will be used.

--extractor EXTRACTOR

Which extractor to use for getting the data. If you do not specify anything, nova will be used. Allowed values: nova

--projects PROJECTS, --tenants PROJECTS

List of projects to extract accounting records from.

Running as a cron job

The best way of running cASO is via a cron job like the following:

10 * * * * caso-extract