cASO multi-region supportΒΆ

  • In case the monitored projects rely on a specific region, define the following variable in the /etc/caso/caso.conf

region_name = <REGION>
  • In case the monitored Project(s) rely on different regions, prepare different files /etc/caso/caso-<REGION>.conf

region_name = <REGION>
  • List the Project(s) in the /etc/caso/voms.json as from the documentation

  "Project1": {
    "projects": ["Project1"]
  "Project2": {
    "projects": ["Project2"]
  • Execute caso-extract for each Project (and related REGION) to be monitored (Project1-REGION1, Project2-REGION2)

/usr/bin/caso-extract --projects "Project1" --config-file /etc/caso/caso-<REGION1>.conf
/usr/bin/caso-extract --projects "Project2" --config-file /etc/caso/caso-<REGION2>.conf